How to make Nepali Chiya Chai Tea

Nepali Masala Chiya
a home recipe
Sharing with you a taste of home, a recipe for Nepali Chiya/ Chai that is enriched with herbs and spices that are guaranteed to keep you warm this winter. Follow this simple recipe to make a traditional Nepali Chiya that is a household staple in Nepal. Please feel free to experiment with the recipe/ measurements and adjust according to your liking. We hope you'll have a go at making this! Good luck!
- Clove
- Cardamom
- Ginger
- Bay leaf
- Cinnamon
- Peppercorn
- Sugar
- Tea (bags or loose)
- Any choice of Milk 2:1 ratio with water
* Please note that you do not need to have all the ingredients. You can even make a cup with just tea, milk, and ginger! *

1. Crush cloves, cardamom, ginger, bayleaf, and peppercorn
2. Add them to water
3. Bring the water to boil and reduce heat
4. Add tea bags or loose tea
5. Once the colour comes out strong, add milk
6. Bring to boil in low heat for about 3-5 minutes.
7. Then it's ready!
8. Add sugar according to your preference!
9. The most crucial part of the process: Enjoy your tea!

P.s the tea tastes 100x times better in our Mato cups :)
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